Saturday, January 22, 2011

LeMans Blue

Although there are different stories about the color LeMans Blue, most believe the term started when Briggs Cunningham fielded a trio of 1960 Corvettes at LeMans.
That year, three 1960 Corvettes were prepared and entered by privateer and racer Briggs Cunningham. Cunningham’s effort was not endorsed or funded at all by General Motors, as this was at a time when GM imposed a ban on factory racing of any kind. GM even withdrew registration for Corvette Chief Engineer Zora Arkus Duntov, who was to co-pilot one of the three Cunningham Corvettes.
The three fuel injected 283 cubic inch Corvettes were listed on the 1960 LeMans racing program as "white with lemans blue stripes." Most experts agree this was the first use of the term lemans blue as a color for automobiles.

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