Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Homemade Ramps for the M5

This clever M5 owner took a 2X8X12 and cut it into several pieces to make two ramps for his E39 M5.  He used a table saw for the 45 degree cuts.  Total cost of the wood was $8.50 and he saved the 45 degree cutouts for stoppers on the ramp and wheel blocks to keep the Beast from overshooting the ramp or rolling backwards.  If you don't own a table saw or don't want to saw by hand, most lumber stores will cut these for you for about $12 dollars. Using the cutouts three deep gives a third of an inch clearance in front and several inches in the rear.  The lumber yard estimated the capacity of these ramps at 20,000 pounds each, more than adequate for even a truck.

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