The M5 coolant flush schedule is every three years, while all other 5-series cars is four years. When flushing the radiator on your M5 you should only use BMW coolant. The cost differential from what you can get at Autozone isn't all that great if you actually can get the right fluid there. The key is that the aluminum radiator requires a special coolant or it will corrode, so be sure to get the right one.
If you do the drain the do it yourself way, you can get away with just jacking up the front of the car and removing the drain plug in the radiator and letting it drain until no more coolant comes out. Massage the upper coolant hose to get the coolant trapped in there as well. Then just replace the coolant you took out, bleed it for air and drive it for a week or so, then repeat. If you do this 3 times you should get 90% of the old coolant out without having to fiddle with the engine block drain plugs.
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