Thursday, December 15, 2011

Corvette ZR1 owner calls 911 after locking himself in car


Lee Adams of central Florida owns 16 high-end sports cars, including a Ferrari, Mosler, Ariel Atom, and a Corvette ZR1. Or he used to own a ZR1, until he had to call 911 after getting locked inside.
Adams told the FerrariChat forums of his woes at the hands of General Motors' tricky machine interface engineering:
I closed the door and the door locked and would not open. The car would not start. I was trapped!
I called 911 and the police came quickly thankfully. Once the officer assured himself that ilt was a car problem and not a idiot driver problem. He nor I could not figure out what to do.
He called the chevy dealership. They recommended I get out of the seat and crawl to the back of the ZR1 and pull the emergency tag. It is not a pretty sight to see a fat, 65 yr old man crawling to the back of the car. Well I did and the trunk opened.
That was this morning and the ZR1 is sold, gone out of my life. Took it to the dealer that helped me and sold it cold and flat. It is still in my garage I am not going near it. They will have to come to my home and get it out of my garage.
Thank god for the police and the chevy dealer. Boo for GM.
What a stupid system to put onto a car. Just think , if my garage door was closed not open and I did not have a cell phone and my wife just left for Vermont It could have been alot worse.
No more cars for me with automatic door lock systems. FYI the officer said his captain had the same problem with his Corvette.  There have been several reports of owners being trapped in the new model Corvettes with the all electric door system, but in all fairness if you read the owners manual which is thicker than an old phone book you will find there is a manual release pull hidden next to the driver's seat!  Owners have concerns about finding this release cable in an emergency if the electric system fails.
I have to wonder why he posted this on a Ferrarri forum site, however, there is a small AP item on this also.  I have sympathy with him because new car owners manuals are filled with warnings, cautions and other trivia that had to be inserted for the prevention of lawsuits and make them a joke to read. 

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