Sunday, May 30, 2010

On the road

Covered 509 miles yesterday and the M5 ran flawlessly. Averaged 21.3 mpg and no oil burn at all on our 2000 M5. Those new Michelin Pilot Sport PS2s are wonderful tires with great traction and very quiet too. Air conditioning kept us cool inside with 90F temps outside in western Kansas on I70. Lots of highway patrol with radar (we saw SEVEN yesterday going our direction). Kansas must need cash desperately! Kept the cruise control on 73 mph. A Corvette flew past up at 100mph+ and we saw him pulled over by the highway patrol on the side of the road. Three deer (one buck and two does) crossing the road at sunset got my heart rate up, but they made it across safely. I love the seat heater for my sore back, even in the summer. $2.74 a gallon for premium gas at the I70 truck stop in Goodland, KS! Nice to see gas prices down for the holiday weekend. Time to clean the windshield, get some breakfast and hop into our beloved M5!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I saw your post on M5board with a link to this blog. I'm a 2000 M5 owner in Kirkwood. Enjoy your trip across Kansas and to wherever you are going.
